The Different Types Of Carousel Rides For Kids

Carousel rides are a staple in any amusement park, but many people do not realize that there are many different types. It is important that you know about the different types of carousel rides that kids love to better determine which ones you should get. Understanding what makes up the rides will also help you choose the right ones for the type of park you have.

The Classic Carousel

You cannot go wrong with the classic carousel (классческий аттракцион карусель) and this is still vastly popular with children. The classic carousel will have seats in the shape of different animals, primarily horses. The seats will then rotate on a circular platform at varying speeds.

The speed that the carousel moves at should be determined by the age of the children on the ride. If there are younger children, the ride will need to be slower. Going too fast can also cause other issues that you will want to avoid.

The Different Types Of Carousel Rides For Kids

The Different Types Of Carousel Rides For Kids

The Breakdance

This type of carousel was first introduced in 1985 by HUSS Park Attractions. It differs from the traditional carousel as it has 4 hubs which carry 4 cars each with 2 seats. When the platform the hubs are connected to will rotate and the cars on the hubs will also rotate. This double rotation will cause everything to tilt making this an attractive ride for slightly older children.

There is a variation of this ride known as the Booster which was also introduced by HUSS Park attractions (парковые аттракционы). This variation will have the cats rotating about a horizontal pole.

The Swing Ride

Many people do not realize that the swing ride is a type of carousel ride (виды аттракционов карусель). This is due to the fact that this ride does not have a rotating platform at the base. The rotating platform has been adjusted to the top of the ride and the swings are attached to it.

When the ride starts to move, the swings will flare out. This is a very popular ride with children of all ages. If you are going to be catering to a younger audience, you should look at the kiddy swing ride which has solid seats instead of moving swings.

Swing rides for sale

Swing rides for sale

The Round Up

This ride is an upside down carousel which uses a rotating platform with a center on a hydraulic hand. The top of the platform will be a cage-like wall around the edge of the platform. The riders will be placed in the cage and against the wall that is created.

The centrifugal force created when the ride starts will push them against the wall. This allows the platform to stand almost vertically when it reaches top speed without anyone falling. Of course, it is important that safety features are fitted to this carousel ride to ensure that it meets with safety standards in the area.

There are a lot of different types of carousel rides that can be used in an amusement park. These rides are popular with people of all ages, but some should not be ridden by young children.